• Teléfono
  • (598) 2916 4771
  • Rincón 487 Of. 401
  • Montevideo - Uruguay

La Firma


Born in Montevideo, Uruguay, on November 9, 1993.
Associate at the Firm "González Mullin Kasprzyk & Asociados". Doctor of Law and Social Sciences since 2018..

Education: Graduated from the Universidad de la República - UDELAR.

"Master in International Sports Law LLM" – Universidad Europea – Escuela Universitaria Real Madrid (2019-2020).

"Curso de actualización de Derecho del Deporte" - 2019, at the Universidad Católica del Uruguay – UCU.

Areas of Practice:Advice and Litigation in Sports Law, Civil Law and Commercial Law.

Specialized: Sports Law.

Languages:Spanish and English.

E-mail: [email protected]